Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why do you get up in the morning?


New week; double the TEAM, double the learning! Heck I learned enough in one day to write a book let alone a one page blog! All week I saw LEADERS stepping up, inspiring their TEAM's for better results, partnering with each other to blaze new trails, even breaking the "business as usual" mold to achieve better communication as peers. All this learning reminded me of why I love what I do. It reminded me of why I get up in the morning.

Why do you get up in the morning?

There was a day that I couldn't easily answer this question. In fact those days weren't so far off. Of course even when I thought I knew why, it changed daily or weekly or monthly. What inspired me to get out of bed to do what I do was a means to an end. I worked to live. I think its fair to assume that most of us cant afford not to. Our common denominator is working to pay the bills, provide for our family, etc. I don't think that's a bad thing to want to provide or support for yourself or others. Its also not a bad thing to want something and work to purchase it. Our culture is driven by consumption and purchase, all of that comes at a cost. We work to pay that cost.

What if you asked the same question (Why do you get up in the morning?) but the answer was not because you work to live? What if instead you lived to work? No really, what if you lived to work? (pause....deep breath...)Instead of hitting the snooze button 47 times before you get out of bed in the morning you sprang out of bed determined to make today better than the last. Instead of not caring or having enough respect for your peers to bother showing up to work on time you decided that being early would contribute more to being a part of the TEAM and lead to better results. Instead of updating your Facebook and IM'ing your friends every waking moment you decide to have a conversation with your peers about how your business could run more efficiently and grow. What if you lived to work?

I was reminded this week that indeed I live to work. I live to do the work I do because I see first hand the impact it has on others. My work is deeper than the company, the money, or the title. My work is about the people. Inspiring the people I work with to do the same with the people they work with. Advancing knowledge and skills in others only to be paid back with more learning and development of myself. I live to work!

What gets you up in the morning?

When you get that next quiet moment to yourself, think about the work you do. Think about the impact it has currently or could have if you lived to work. If you feel bold enough share it with me I would be honored to receive it! Thanks!

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