Sunday, February 27, 2011

Motivation... Inspiration...

Motivation. (Smile)

Where would we be without motivation? Motivation helps you create, it helps you achieve, it provides. Motivation is the next gear, the difference between winning the Championship and not. Motivation comes from something you read or hear or see or don't read or don't hear or don't see. Motivation comes from your boss, your peers, your mentors, your family, your priest, your Facebook friends.

We all need motivation. We all need a driving force, something that challenges us to be amazing, to deliver something beautiful. Motivation is a critical component to the success of people. Motivation works wonders, it keeps us focused, determined, and involved. Motivation is essential to the performance of the TEAM you lead, how you participate in their success. Motivation to study for a test. Motivation to climb Mt Everest. Motivation is strong, sturdy, and powerful. Motivation is essential.

Motivation is a great thing... for the most part. 

The problem with motivation? It has an expiration date.

I argue that motivation, the act or instance of motivating, the state or condition of being motivated, something that motivates (, has a beginning and an end. It's a short, yet precise burst of energy. Not unlike a match that is struck, it ignites a flame, burns bright and emits heat, but eventually burns out. Motivation is a defined time frame in which greatness will occur. Motivation to sell more stuff, motivation to achieve goals, or motivation to deliver a project. Motivation is a sprint; OK maybe a 400 meter sprint, but a sprint nonetheless. You are motivated to read the rest of this blog because I just shook your definition of motivation and you want to know what I have to say next. Motivation is something you do, (shameless plug for last weeks post) dare I say a destination. It's how you start or how you finish, that is motivation. One must realize the impact of motivation, the need of motivation, the understanding of motivation.

What's beyond motivation?

Inspiration! (Bigger SMILE!)

Different story. Different level.

Where would we be without inspiration? Inspiration helps you to navigate, it helps you engage, it consumes. Inspiration is the internal fire within, it's your soul, an obligation. Inspiration is enhanced by something you read or hear or see or don't read or don't hear or don't see. Inspiration comes from people, books, things, music, art, history, rainbows.

We all need inspiration. We all need a purpose, an internal gauge that steers us forward. Something that engages others around you, that leaves places better than how you found them, or saves an entire species. Inspiration is a gift that keeps giving, a pay-it-forward way of life. Inspiration to change thinking. Inspiration to change humanity. Inspiration to eliminate racism. Inspiration is essential. 

The distinct difference between motivation and inspiration is the timing. I would argue that one cannot be inspired without being motivated, however it is possible to be motivated yet not inspired. We may be motivated by money (often a common denominator) but is it what gets you up in the morning? Motivation to pay the bills, buy cool stuff, or create opportunity is certainly a part of our lives, but is it what inspires us daily? Inspiration has no expiration date, no beginning or end, no lifespan. Inspiration has a continuous flow, a trajectory of limitless potential. Motivation is the weekend sale, inspiration is the days in-between. Constant progression is inspiration. Completing training is motivation. Inspiration is the journey, its something you are. Your inspiration is the action that happens after something occurs, how you read, act, talk, or think differently (perhaps as a result of reading this blog) as a result of. Inspiration is the feeling, the belief, the duty. One must realize the impact of inspiration, the need of inspiration, the understanding of inspiration.

My ask... challenge the way you think about motivation and inspiration. Think of these words and the power they have the next time you hear or use them. Study the difference and what drives each, there are lessons to be learned. Share your thinking (with me perhaps), who knows what's next.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Something You Are

A couple of years back I learned a very valuable lesson, the difference between something you "do" and something you "are". I learned this in the context of coaching. Being a coach is something I am, not something I do. Since then it has been a never-ending journey to learn more about being not doing.

The fascinating piece is this learning applies to many other things. Whatever you study, craft, or author can be a result of who you are. What you practice, how you practice, or when you practice could become something you are. Your time spent with others or your conversations are possibly something you are. What makes all of this something you "are" vs something you "do"? I believe its intent. I believe its purpose. I believe its care.

Last week I had the honor to chat with several people inside and outside my business about why I write. It was so fascinating to hear people's personal stories of how one post or another "spoke to them" or how they found inspiration from reading. I received feedback on the "authenticity" and how reading it "felt like Craig". I was moved. Being an author is something I am, not something I do. My intent is not to write things that fix or state what is, but to ignite or challenge or think of what could be. My purpose is to engage an audience to challenge what's next and define it for themselves. My care is empowering people to see what is possible.

We have all heard the quote "it's not the destination, its the journey". Well something you do is a destination, something you are is a journey. Earlier on my life was all about destinations. Get there. Hit the target. Check it off the list. Move on. I was doing. Often times I would do because someone told me to do. Most of the time I'm not sure I even thought why I did what I did. Sure there was perhaps a motivation to get to the destination, but it never lasted. It had a beginning and an end, a short term satisfaction that left me with no real learning. As I have become a husband, a father, and a leader of others, all of a sudden the destinations don't mean as much. It's the journeys that I remember. The journeys provide a story, content that delivers education. They are inspiration, no beginning or end, limitless boundaries. Its the journeys of others or my own personal journeys that continue to challenge my thinking and expand my view. The journeys provide my intent, develop my purpose, and expand my care.  

Your homework:

Who are you?

What would happen if your journeys (are) replaced your destinations (do)?

What is your intent or purpose or care providing your journeys?

How can you best share who you are?

Sunday, February 13, 2011


You just knocked the ball out of the park! Proved to everyone you could perform on the biggest of stages! Executed when it mattered most! OUTSTANDING!

...What's next?

It's all about your encore.

If leadership is defined as how you act when nobody is looking, encore is defined as how you perform acoustically without a spotlight. It's about what you do when all the hoopla is over, the parade is gone, and the circus has left town. How you perform when all your energy is spent, your hot air let out, your adrenaline used up. Encore is what you have in store, next. It's not what you do, its what you are.That is your encore.

What's your encore?

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Confidence is an AMAZING thing! Having the thought of success next is exhilarating! Knowing that what is about to happen is exactly how you pictured it in your mind a million times over.... priceless!

Recently I had the opportunity to have a front row seat to a record setting performance. A hundred or so people embarking on a journey that would be one for the ages. Over the past several months this TEAM had worked hard to perfect their craft. They spent countless hours learning, studying, doing their homework. Strategies were built, game-plans were prepared. All was anticipated, the unforeseen was now understood. Their plans were executed fully. Exceptional results followed. They knew (I knew) it was exactly what was to happen.

Knowing feels good. It breeds confidence. It yields results.

Knowing isn't easy. It takes a lot of work to understand why or how things happen. Unfortunately not enough people do the work. Not enough practice their craft, study their audience, anticipate what is next. Far too many just show up and hope for the best. Believe me I met my fare share with this "hope strategy", I'm sure you have too. These people get by, never impress, never disappoint, just get on by. Guess what their results are. Guess how confident they are. Guess how good they feel.

Think about all the things you know, I mean really know, all your awesome specialties; how much time did you put into knowing that? How much effort did you put into the knowing? All the studying and practicing that allowed you to be the expert must have taken some serious time. That is the knowing I'm talking about. Being the very best at what you do when it matters most, that is knowing. Leveraging your talent when the stage lights are on, that is knowing. Seeing exactly what you know is possible is knowing.

Being a part of such a grand event was one of my career highlights. I saw TEAMwork, peers looking out for one another and the audience they were serving. Genuine, authentic, real work being done. Thousands of smiles being shared, enthusiasm oozing from throughout. Conversations were being had, coaching was real time and meaningful. Goosebumps. Exactly what I knew would happen, happened. 

When the next opportunity to witness your very own Super Bowl happens, what will you know? What will your TEAM know? How do you know they know?