Saturday, May 1, 2010

Here's to the heroes!


This week was another spectacular display of what is possible. I saw tremendous effort and amazing results! There was collaboration to drive new products, enthusiasm to communicate with new partners, and engagement at unprecedented levels. There were some pretty extraordinary things that occurred. Incredible (no pun intended) efforts. Dare I say heroic?

Stay with me on this...

The word "hero" is a bold one. Its a word we reserve for the most epic of people. If you look up the meaning of "hero" in the dictionary you get a multitude of definitions that center around bravery, ideals, or achievement. The origin of the word even references mythological figures and warriors. WOW! It's certainly not a word to use lightly.

All of this makes sense when I think of my heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Tony Gwynn, Steven Biko or John F. Kennedy and the list goes on. In fact dozens of civil leaders, politicians, CEO's, sports idols, authors, rock stars, movie stars or other agents of change come to mind. Primarily I think of people I have never met (yet) or are no longer living. Leaders of epic proportions or extraordinary performers in their craft. Their images are cemented in my head, the moments that define these people and gave them life, leave me in awe. I get chill bumps thinking about the idea of meeting some of the heroes I have studied, read, or learned from. I often catch myself thinking about what would I ask these people if given the chance. If I could have dinner with Nelson Mandela, what would I say? Where would I begin? I would probably be stuck on do I call him Mr. President, Mr. Mandela or should I call him Nelson?

After further thinking there are more epic people out there, more heroes. I'm not just thinking of heroes in the historical sense but the everyday heroes. Its the people that I have met, the ones that helped to shape who I am and what I do. It's Richard Stevens (My Grandfather) or Mr. Callaway (My High School English Lit Teacher) or Brad Hunter (My first Director of Sales). Its even the ones you read about in the local paper, see on TV, or hear on the radio. It's our military folks, police or firefighters that do heroic things on a daily basis. So many different examples of heroes all around us.

It's not entirely fair for me to compare what happens in our work
today to the heroism that happend on August 28, 1963 in Washington D.C. or to think that Gandhi's movement is on par with the conversations we are having in our stores. I do however think that the messages that our heroes provide us finds its way into our daily lives. Our conversations have some small ounce of heroism embedded in them. The heroics we read, watch, or listen to become a part of who we are. In retrospect all my heroes, some living, some passed on, some I never met, and some I talk with everyday all have something in common, they all move me. They inspire me to be the best, they give me something to aspire to, and they have purpose. These people remind me of what is possible.

So as I recall what I witnessed over the past week, I can honestly say I saw some heroism. Maybe not direct in nature but some resemblance of the heroes I have learned from and the heroes of the people I witnessed. I saw a TEAM making things happen. It moved me. Inspired me. Reminded me of what is possible.

Here's to the heroes, mine & yours.

Who are your heroes? Why?

What have you learned from them?

How does your heroism show up in your craft?

Share with me your thoughts...

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