Saturday, February 12, 2011


Confidence is an AMAZING thing! Having the thought of success next is exhilarating! Knowing that what is about to happen is exactly how you pictured it in your mind a million times over.... priceless!

Recently I had the opportunity to have a front row seat to a record setting performance. A hundred or so people embarking on a journey that would be one for the ages. Over the past several months this TEAM had worked hard to perfect their craft. They spent countless hours learning, studying, doing their homework. Strategies were built, game-plans were prepared. All was anticipated, the unforeseen was now understood. Their plans were executed fully. Exceptional results followed. They knew (I knew) it was exactly what was to happen.

Knowing feels good. It breeds confidence. It yields results.

Knowing isn't easy. It takes a lot of work to understand why or how things happen. Unfortunately not enough people do the work. Not enough practice their craft, study their audience, anticipate what is next. Far too many just show up and hope for the best. Believe me I met my fare share with this "hope strategy", I'm sure you have too. These people get by, never impress, never disappoint, just get on by. Guess what their results are. Guess how confident they are. Guess how good they feel.

Think about all the things you know, I mean really know, all your awesome specialties; how much time did you put into knowing that? How much effort did you put into the knowing? All the studying and practicing that allowed you to be the expert must have taken some serious time. That is the knowing I'm talking about. Being the very best at what you do when it matters most, that is knowing. Leveraging your talent when the stage lights are on, that is knowing. Seeing exactly what you know is possible is knowing.

Being a part of such a grand event was one of my career highlights. I saw TEAMwork, peers looking out for one another and the audience they were serving. Genuine, authentic, real work being done. Thousands of smiles being shared, enthusiasm oozing from throughout. Conversations were being had, coaching was real time and meaningful. Goosebumps. Exactly what I knew would happen, happened. 

When the next opportunity to witness your very own Super Bowl happens, what will you know? What will your TEAM know? How do you know they know?

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Reminds me of the comment Michael Strahan said about the Packers' and Steelers' defensive teams just before this year's Superbowl: "what makes these two teams special is that every guy on the team knows that he can make the big play every down." That mindset certainly factors into performance on the field.
    See> Do > Say? Yeah.
