Monday, January 16, 2012


Today is a day for just that.

Your service may be different than others, it may have deep rooted meaning or it may just be a simple gift. Your service could be thoughts spoken or words read. Perhaps your service is organized and with a group of like minded, or maybe its individual, focused on a specific cause. Regardless, your service is needed.

Serving is about contributing. It's about helping others, doing for others, thinking of others. Your service is honoring those who you serve. Your service creates, challenges, even instigates action of others. Your service provides different thinking, different doing, and different results. Your service is needed.     

My service is not always shared with others by physical nature, nor is my service always organized or specific. My service is often deep rooted in thoughts and ideas, challenging the norm and being different. My service is passionate, involved, and inspired. My service is personal. 

It's possible that today may not mean the same to you as it does to me. In fact my service started because of today, nearly 25 years ago. A person, a movement, a legacy... so profound, so enduring.
Today is a day for service.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



  1. Best MLK quote of the day. Thank you...and welcome back.

    1. One of my favorite MLK quotes... Good to be back!
