Sunday, April 17, 2011

Think About It

We become what we think about.

I first heard that phrase almost ten years ago from an Earl Nightingale CD called "The Strangest Secret". My boss at the time, my first professional mentor, had given it to me after about three months on the job. He told me to listen to it and think.

I'm glad I listened.

Though Mr. Nightingale's recording was produced in the 1950's and a little rough on some details as it pertains to the current year, remarkably his message remains true, "we become what we think about". In a short 30+ minutes he offers many pieces of advice, all of which is built on this premise and everything is there for the taking as long as you believe it can happen. I imagine if I were to talk to any successful person on this planet (however you define success) they would probably share something similar. They set a goal or initiative in their heads and achieved it. There was focus on what was possible, not what could go wrong. Discussions had to be done with confidence, not with apprehension. Knowledge had no limits.  

Perhaps you have something important to do this week, think about how successful you will be. Think about the impact you can have, the impression you can leave. Maybe there is an opportunity to share success with others, even amongst people you may not know, think about how to name this success and how it shows up for them. Think about what you are doing to drive success, today, tomorrow, or the day after. Really think about it.

Think about all that is possible, become all that is possible.

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