A good friend of mine frequently reminds me the importance of this. You cant just consume what is offered to you.
See the surface is the norm, it's standard, the status quo. There's something very safe about staying on the surface. Just do what she does, say what she says, write what she writes.... yer good. Taking things for "face value" is easy, no need to involve, just follow the directives issued. Comfortable. Basic. Straightforward. Like cruise control on life. _______! (Go ahead you name the blank...)
There are layers to everything, everyone. Yeah it can be difficult, even hard. You have to engage, ask, involve, or participate. Explore the unexplored, complicate the uncomplicated, flex the inflexible. It's uncomfortable, painfully so at times. It's frustrating, in-explainable, even undefined. It's paths that don't cross and answers that aren't predictable. ___________! (Go ahead name this blank...)
See I studied "digging" in college, some call it History. Inquisitive was my mind, obsessed with finding out why people did what they did, what and who influenced them to do so. I was, maybe still am, driven to find out why and how something occurs. It's in my DNA so maybe its easier to explain and see, but trust me, now more than ever there are tools to assist. Get crazy and Wiki, Google, or Yelp something. Don't take life for what's just on the surface. Don't do just because someone says to or its convenient. Ask what else it could be. Learn what is possible. Involve yourself. Engage.
"The best MC's will never be heard." or so I have been told. I get reminded of this often in different forms throughout my days. Many of us error on the safe, easy, or path of least resistance for fear of rejection, disappointment, or failure. We go with what's advertised or what others say is acceptable as to fit in or be accepted. Of course there is some boldness required to step out from behind a curtain and perform, but there wouldn't be any new or next if somebody didn't. If we only stayed on the surface we wouldn't learn. There is so much more out there to be heard, seen, experienced than just what gets dished up to you. Cease those opportunities. Ask one more question. Take one more step. Write one more page. Play one more note. Explore. Live. Dig.